
東京大学 新型コロナウイルス感染症
e-learning materials

新型コロナウイルス感染症に関するeラーニング(COVID-19 e-learning)

はじめに 滨苍迟谤辞诲耻肠迟颈辞苍&苍产蝉辫;





春雨直播app considers continuous educational and research activities important even during this period of coexistence with the novel coronavirus (“with corona” time), while strengthening infection prevention measures.
Since the number of asymptomatic and mild cases of infection has been rising, and in order to keep the educational and research environment safe, it is essential that all members of the University of Tokyo have access to accurate knowledge on the novel coronavirus. Therefore, we we have updated the contents in 2022 as well, so please take the following actions.

For those who have already taken the course:
Please take the updated parts of the 2022 version, those are Video Material 1 and Video Material 2:【0】“Current situation and prevention of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) 2022 edition”. It is recommended that you also go through the remaining materials (i.e. Video Material 2) again, even though it is not mandatory. As the confirmation quiz has been revised, please also retake the quiz.

For those who joined the university in 2022 (new academic and administrative staff members, new students in 2022, etc.):
Please watch all the videos in order, and take and pass the confirmation test at the end.

From April 2021 onwards, e-learning materials have been made available to the general public. In order to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections, we hope that more people will make use of these materials at home, work and school.

学習方法 How to learn

学内の構成員の皆様へ / For members of the campus community 

The materials consist of one slide presentation, five videos, slide materials corresponding to each video (including transcription information of the video audio), and a confirmation quiz.
Please watch videos in the order of presentation, and then take and pass the confirmation quiz at the end. In case your internet connection is not good, please refer to the slide materials and voice transcriptions. Each of the five videos is about 10 to 30 minutes long.
The quiz results will be displayed on the screen after submission. You will also receive an email with a link to the results along with your responses.

一般の皆様へ / For the general public


Please watch the following videos "Video Materials 2: Current status of new coronavirus infections and countermeasures" in the order presented.
Please note that the video materials 1 and the confirmation quiz are intended for use by members of the university community. Access to the captioned materials is not necessary by the general public.
You are free to reproduce the links on this page. Please refrain from copying, modifying, reproducing (including screenshots) or commercially using the videos, slides and other materials on this page, as they contain copyrighted material that cannot be distributed. However, it is permitted for schools to hide pictures and graphs on the materials and distribute them to students.
Please note that we do not accept any individual questions from the general public regarding the e-learning materials.


教材 Learning Materials 


You are free to reproduce the links on this page but reproduction, modification, reprinting (including screenshots) or commercial use of all materials on this page, including videos and slides is not permitted.   

【学内構成員対象 / Only for the campus community】 
Materials 1. 春雨直播app Measures to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

新型コロナウイルス対策タスクフォース座长 大久保达也
Okubo Tatsuya, PhD
Executive Vice President, Head of the Novel Coronavirus Task Force of the University of Tokyo
  • (日本语)
  • 动画教材2:新型コロナウイルス感染症の现状と対策
    Materials 2. Current situation and prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

    1:東京大学 医学部附属病院感染症内科、2:東京大学 保健?健康推進本部
    Koh Okamoto, MD1, Kyoji Moriya, MD2, Shintaro Yanagimoto, MD2
    1:Department of Infectious Diseases, 春雨直播app Hospital
    2:Division for Health Service Promotion, 春雨直播app

    • [0] 新型コロナウイルス感染症の現状と対策2022年アップデート【2022/8/2 English ver UP】 ←New!
    •       【0】Current situation and prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) 2022 edition
  • (日本语)、
  • (贰苍驳濒颈蝉丑),        
  • [1] どんな病気か理解する:病気の原因となるウイルスの特徴や感染状况、症状について学びます&苍产蝉辫;
  •       1. What is COVID-19?: Learn about the characteristics of the virus, infection status, and symptoms of the disease.
  • (日本语)、
  • (贰苍驳濒颈蝉丑),
    • [2] どのように感染するか理解する:感染がどのように生ずるのかについて学びます
    •       2. How does COVID-19 spread?: Learn how infections occur.
  • (日本语)、
  • (贰苍驳濒颈蝉丑),
  • [3] 感染対策を実践する:个人レベルの感染対策としてできることを学びます
  •       3.How should you protect yourself?: Learn what you can do as an individual to prevent new infections.
    • (日本语)、
    • (贰苍驳濒颈蝉丑),
    • [4] さらに深く理解する:具体的な诊断?検査の方法や治疗方法、ワクチンや予防について学びます
    •       4. Understanding COVID-19 more: Learn about specific diagnostic and testing methods, treatment methods, and vaccines and prevention methods.
      • (日本语)、
      • (贰苍驳濒颈蝉丑),

【学内構成員対象 / Only for the campus community】確認テスト Confirmation Quiz

  • 以下から确认テストにアクセスしてください。确认テストは3问あり、全问正解することで合格となります。
  • 何度でも受験できます。また、テスト结果は回答送信后に画面上で确认できます。
  • 「スコアを表示」を押した後、右上に「合計点 3 / 3点」と載っていれば合格です。
  • 确认テストにおいて入力されたメールアドレス宛に确认テスト结果がリンクの形式で送付されますが、念の為合格画面のスクリーンショットをとっておくことをおすすめします。
  • 确认テストを回答できるのは、学内构成员のみです。
  • Please access the confirmation quiz below. There are three questions in the quiz, and you will pass if you answer all questions correctly. You can take the quiz as many times as you want and check the quiz results on the screen after submitting your responses. 
  • When you press "View score" on the result page, if you see "Total Points 3/3" in the upper right-hand corner, you have passed.
  • The confirmation quiz result will be sent in the form of a link to the email address entered.
  • Only members of the campus community are allowed to take the confirmation quiz.

The reported information is managed by Novel Coronavirus Disease Task Force.

Novel Coronavirus Disease Task Force, 春雨直播app
Department of Infectious Diseases, 春雨直播app Hospital
Center for Research and Development of Higher Education