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Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences

1. Overview


The principal aim of the program of education at our Graduate School is to teach students to master the skill of systematically acquiring knowledge and to develop advanced research abilities in mathematics and mathematical sciences. We train them to become active researchers at the forefront of all fields of mathematics and mathematical sciences. By providing a broad education in these fields, we also aim to nurture and develop the talent of young people who have the potential to become future leaders in various areas of society. Our school was established in 1992 to foster a culture of mathematics and the mathematical sciences from an international standpoint, as well as to contribute to the overall development of society. It is a unified graduate school for mathematics and related areas, with world-class faculty members who are active researchers in algebra, geometry, analysis and applied mathematics.

We currently offer six major courses in the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences. Besides our professors and associate professors, we have visiting professors and overseas visiting professors who conduct leading-edge research in all mathematical science fields, from algebra, geometry, and analytics to applied mathematics. Every year we are host to not only overseas exchange students, but also to over 150 researchers from around the world. We are truly an international mathematics hub. From undergraduate to graduate school education, our staff is fully in charge of mathematics education at the University of Tokyo, teaching as well as guiding research. Students conduct research in an independent and fulfilling environment, and after graduation are active in universities, research centers, all levels of government, finance and insurance industries, information fields, and many other areas.

As the forerunner of the Department of Mathematics within the Faculty of Science, we were built up by numerous distinguished researchers and are now an international hub for conducting research activities in mathematics. We invite researchers from businesses and private universities to teach with us, and we are strengthening our applied mathematics education by pushing for collaboration with other elements of society. We are developing an actuary and statistics program in the Faculty of Science that will train students not only in math, but also in actuarial and statistical sciences, which are directly connected to real-world experience.

2. Website


3. Required Japanese Level


4. Application Distribution/Application Period


5. Types of Degrees


6. Special Selection for International Applicants


7. Contact

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