
Current Students

University-wide Student Exchange Program (USTEP) Type U

This page is for current USTEP-Type U students (USTEP = the University-wide Student Exchange Program, TYPE U = Undergraduate) and successful candidates to the program. USTEP-Type U students will be affiliated to the "Center for Global Education" during their study at the University of Tokyo. 

1. Registration of Residence

2. Information on Courses
? Course Registration
? Japanese Language Courses
? Academic Manners
? Inquiries
? Education Programs

3. Certificates and Related Matters
? Student Commuter Certificates
? Student Travel Discount Certificates

? Certificates of Enrollment
? Academic Transcripts

4. Life in Japan
? JASSO Scholarships
? Part-time Jobs and Internships
? Warnings
? Temporary Leave

5. Requirements for Leaving Japan

6. FAQ

Access Map
Kashiwa Campus
Hongo Campus
Komaba Campus