- 研究活动のためのキャンパス構内への立ち入りは、現在進行中の実験?研究を継続するために必要最小限の研究室関係者のみの立ち入りが許可されます。立ち入る研究室関係者は現場での滞在時間を減らすとともに、それ以外の研究室関係者は自宅での作業をしてください。なお、研究室内で1人だけで実験?作業することは、大変危険ですので禁止します。
- 学内会议はオンライン会议のみとします。
- キャンパス构内への一般入构制限はすでに4月4日より実施しております。原则、守卫のいる门のみ开き、入构には身分証の提示が必要です。
- 授业についてはオンライン讲义のみです。
- 学生の课外活动は引き続き全面禁止です。
东京大学 新型コロナウイルス対策タスクフォース座长
福田 裕穂
* 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のための东京大学の活动制限指针 (PDFファイル: 185KB)
Raising the University of Tokyo Activity Restrictions Index for Preventing the Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) to Level 2 (Severe restrictions)
To all students, faculty and staff of the University of Tokyo:
The number of people tested positive daily for COVID-19 has exceeded 100 in Tokyo since this past weekend. As the rapid spread is likely to continue, the University of Tokyo will impose more strict restrictions on campus activities.
Specifically, based on “,” released on April 3, the university is raising its level to 2 (“severe restrictions”).
Level 2 indicates:
- For research activities, only the minimum number of laboratory staff necessary are permitted to enter the laboratories in order to continue experiments and research in progress. The staff members entering the laboratories should reduce the amount of time they stay on-site, and other staff members should work from home. Conducting experiments or other types of work alone in a laboratory is extremely dangerous and is thus strictly prohibited.
- Meetings should be done through videoconferencing only.
- Only gates with security guards present will remain open, and entrants must show their university ID, as has been implemented since April 4.
- Instructions will continue to be offered online.
- Prohibition on students’ extracurricular activities are continued.
All of the above measures are taken to protect the health and safety of the members of the University of Tokyo community. We shall continue to take prompt and appropriate measures to do everything possible so that we may bring back the free and open campus we so value at the University of Tokyo.
April 6, 2020
Executive Vice President
Head, Novel Coronavirus Task Force
春雨直播app Activity Restrictions Index for Preventing the Spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (PDF)
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