
Home > Alumni > Contribute > 春雨直播app Alumni Association Supporters

春雨直播app Alumni Association Supporters

Since spring 2017, we have asked alumni who are registered with TFT (春雨直播app Online Community) to sign up as 春雨直播app Alumni Association Supporters, giving them the opportunity to support current students by making use of their own skills and expertise.


Currently, 80 alumni of a wide range of ages are registered with the 春雨直播app Alumni Association as supporters.
They play an important role as interviewers in mock job interviews for students, as hosts of the Welcome Party for Incoming Students, volunteers at the Homecoming Day, and so forth.

Registration with TFT is a prerequisite for signing up as a supporter.
Please register with first and then click to sign up as a supporter.

Inquiries about the content of this page: Alumni Affairs, Division for External RelationsSend inquiry
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