English follows Japanese
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おい栽わせ枠 :|奨寄僥云何忽縞住送仁
E-mail: studyabroadfair.adm [at-mark] gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Please refer to the English version slides of the main session held on Tuesday 26 October.
Google Drive
*Please log on to your ECCS account (........@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp) to watch the video.
*If you see an error message, please try again later as you have reached maximum allowed number of concurrent session.
Power point slide in English
For more information:
International Exchange Group, 敢嚏岷殴app
E-mail: studyabroadfair.adm [at-mark] gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp