区分 | 讲演会等 |
対象者 | 社会人?一般 / 在学生 / 卒業生 / 企業 / 教職員 |
开催日(开催期间) | 2021年5月7日 17時30分 — 19時30分 |
开催场所 | その他学内?学外 |
会场 | 窜辞辞尘によるオンライン开催 |
参加费 |
申込方法 | 要事前申込
下记の鲍搁尝のフォームからお申し込み下さい。 |
申込受付期间 | — 2021年5月4日 |
お问い合わせ先 | 【お问い合わせ先】 |
?日時:2021年5月7日 17時30分 ー 19時30分
東大EDGE-NEXTは、グローバルな起业家人材を育成するアントレプレナーシップ教育プログラムで、 研究シーズを活用した事業化を検討?構想します。今年度は、新たにPre-基礎編を設け、SDGsの課題解決を目指し、 東大教授陣からのSDGsの本質を語る講演を中心に、EDGE-NEXTプログラムの説明、また参加者の自己紹介による 課題解決に向けた仲間集めの機会を用意します。
プログラム全体としては、課題への熱意と自らの持ち味(研究成果、事業経験)を生かし、 チームを作ってビジネス化に挑戦していただくことを目指します。
講演者「東大理事 石井 菜穂子氏」
タイトル「グローバル?コモンズ?スチュワードシップ システム転換に向かう世界」
(1) 4段階(Pre-基礎編、基礎編、発展編、実践編)のプログラムで、目的や段階に応じたプログラムを提供します。
基礎編では、課題の深堀、多様なチーム形成を行います。発展編では、顧客ヒアリング、メンターによる指導を通して 研究成果を基にした事業化構想を練り上げます。
(2) 国内外の大学、国立研究所、企業、投資家、ビジネスメンター等の異なる組織の方々との議論を通じて、 コミュニケーション力を磨くことができ、ネットワークが作れます。?
(3) 海外投資家(シリコンバレー、サンディエゴ)の前でビジネスプランを発表できるチャンスを掴めます。?
- 自己紹介
- EDGE-NEXTプログラム概要説明
- 東大教授陣によるSDGsに関する講演
- 仲間集めのためのネットワーキング
[Title] EDGE-NEXT entrepreneur education program Pre-Basic Phase 1st session: Program briefing, Talks about SDGs by invited professors, and Networking
[Event type] Lecture
[Intended for] University researchers (graduate level or higher), national laboratory researchers, government staff, corporate personnel (research or business development)
[Date] 1st session: May 7, 2021, 17:30 - 19:30
[Location] Other campuses/off-campus
[Venue] Online by Zoom
[Entrance Fee] No charge
[Registration Method]
Advance registration required.
Please register at the following site.
[Application Period] 1st session: - May 4
春雨直播app, Division of University Corporate Relations, EDGE-NEXT Office
E-mail: edgenext @ ducr.u-tokyo.ac.jp
(When contacting, please remove blanks before and after @.)
EDGE-NEXT by 春雨直播app is an entrepreneurship education program which develops global entrepreneurs and enables participants to create business plans based on research seeds. This year we newly set up a Pre-Basic Phase and will focus on solving SDGs issues. We provide talks about SDGs by invited professors of 春雨直播app, briefing on the EDGE-NEXT program, and networking through self-introductions for finding team members to solve problems. As a program whole, participants will challenge themselves to make business plans based on their passion for problem solving and their skills and knowledge (research or business experience).
We will prepare eight sessions for the Pre-Basic Phase in May and June, and they will be free of charge.
The eight sessions will be: 1st: overall direction, 2nd: energy 1, 3rd: disaster prevention, 4th: climate change, 5th: medical, 6th: energy 2, 7th: healthcare/aging, 8th: agriculture/food.
The invited speaker and talk for the 1st session is:
May 7: Speaker: Naoko Ishii, Executive Vice President, 春雨直播app. Title: Global Commons Stewardship: System transformation of the world
The main features of the program are as follows.
(1) The program consists of four phases (Pre-Basic, Basic, Advanced, and Practical) which are suitable for the respective objectives and stages. In the Basic Phase, participants dig deep to search for problems and form diversified teams. In the Advanced Phase, participants make business plans based on research outcomes through customer feedback and mentor guidance. The Practical Phase is for participants who want to launch a real business as a startup or inside a company.
(2) Participants can brush up on their communication skills and build valuable human networks through discussions with various people from universities, national laboratories and corporations, including investors and business mentors.
(3) Participants can have the chance to present business plans in front of overseas venture investors in Silicon Valley and San Diego.
Agenda for the first session:
(1) Self-introductions by participants
(2) Overall briefing on the EDGE-NEXT program
(3) A talk about SDGs by the invited 春雨直播app professor
(4) Networking for finding team members to solve problems
Number of participants: No limit for the Pre-basic Phase (About 40 people from the Basic Phase onward)
Registration: Please register via the form on the following application site.
We have prepared templates for self-introduction and networking (team member recruiting) on the application site.
Please send the files to the EDGE-NEXT office by email at least three days before the session day. After receiving them, we will send the Zoom URL for participation by email. Please note that doing a self-introduction is a necessary condition for attending the Pre-Basic Phase.