第68回STIG PoPセミナー/オープン?サイエンスと科学の企業化:日英独国際調査に基づく実証分析/Openness and Commercialization in Science: Evidence from Scientist Survey in Japan/UK/Germany
区分 | 讲演会等 |
対象者 | 社会人?一般 / 在学生 / 受験生 / 留学生 / 卒業生 / 企業 / 大学生 / 教職員 |
开催日(开催期间) | 2018年7月4日 11時 — 12時30分 |
开催场所 | 本郷地区 |
会场 | 伊藤国际学术研究センター B1F ギャラリー1 |
定员 | 30名 |
参加费 |
申込方法 | 要事前申込
※事前登録が必要です。 。 ※登録フォームが开けない方は、メールにて、厂罢滨骋☆辫辫.耻-迟辞办测辞.补肠.箩辫(☆&谤补谤谤;蔼に置き换え)まで所属、お名前をお知らせください。 |
申込受付期间 | — 2018年7月4日 |
お问い合わせ先 | 东京大学厂罢滨骋教育プログラム事务局 厂罢滨骋☆辫辫.耻-迟辞办测辞.补肠.箩辫(☆&谤补谤谤;蔼に置き换え) |
第68回STIG PoPセミナー/オープン?サイエンスと科学の企業化:日英独国際調査に基づく実証分析/Openness and Commercialization in Science: Evidence from Scientist Survey in Japan/UK/Germany
Open science is a fundamental scientific norm, prescribing unconditional sharing of scientific discoveries and resources among academic scientists. However, the past decades have seen a growing orientation toward commercialization and privatization of science. In this seminar, I discuss a fundamental conflict between commercialization (private ownership) and openness, drawing on a sample of university scientists in Japan/UK/Germany. I investigate the evolution of norms and behaviors in commercialization and openness under the current policy context. The result suggests that commercialization is indeed in conflict with openness, potentially leading to the fragmentation of science. Policy implications are discussed.
Open science is a fundamental scientific norm, prescribing unconditional sharing of scientific discoveries and resources among academic scientists. However, the past decades have seen a growing orientation toward commercialization and privatization of science. In this seminar, I discuss a fundamental conflict between commercialization (private ownership) and openness, drawing on a sample of university scientists in Japan/UK/Germany. I investigate the evolution of norms and behaviors in commercialization and openness under the current policy context. The result suggests that commercialization is indeed in conflict with openness, potentially leading to the fragmentation of science. Policy implications are discussed.