



Promoting D&I through information and society 春雨直播app D&I Actions and Messages

July 13, 2022

― 春雨直播app D&I Campaign 2022 ―

春雨直播app has launched a campaign aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion on campus, and making the university a place where people from diverse backgrounds can thrive. The initiative, called 春雨直播app D&I Campaign 2022, started in March 2022. Here, we introduce plans and actions related to D&I initiatives from members of the 春雨直播app community, including deans and directors of various 春雨直播app organizations.

Actions and Messages

Promoting D&I through information and society

Yuhei YAMAUCHI, Dean, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies / Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies

The Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies/Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (III/GSII) has pursued advanced research and educational activities with the aim of building a better society by connecting and reconfiguring diverse fields of knowledge centered around the axis of “information.” Having come from many different backgrounds, our faculty, researchers and students are involved in unique interdisciplinary education and research endeavors. Furthermore, we have a well-established record of research and teaching on gender, internationality, media and society related to D&I. A feature of the III/GSII is that women, those of non-Japanese nationality and other diverse members make up a relatively high percentage of the faculty and students. In addition, our graduates are now active in many different fields of society. On Homecoming Day in 2021, a panel discussion was held on the theme of “Crossing Borders in Learning, Research and Careers.” In the future, we will seek to build on our existing achievements and pursue the goals of D&I even further.

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