This is a bookshelf where authors can speak about their own works selectedfor a 春雨直播app Grant for Academic Publications (春雨直播app Jiritsu Award for Early Career Academics).
British Asian Ongaku...
This book examines the case of South Asian popular...
Pāri bukkyō kairitsu...
Vinaya texts are collection of the monastic rules ...
Chiryou wo watariaru...
This book examines people’s behaviors and so...
Kokumin Kokka to Buk...
What is “the uncanny?” According to th...
Heiwa-Kochiku o shie...
This book explains why activities based on the lib...
Junshoriron ni okeru...
Buddhism teaches that “all sa?khāras are uns...
Son-Raku Ecotourism ...
This book is based on my doctoral dissertation &ld...
Koreisha no tameno H...
This book examined how elderly people gain access ...
Chugoku-Shiho no Sei...
A characteristic of recent Japanese research on mo...
Tenkeiki geijutsu un...
This book elucidates how power was consolidated an...
Kankyō o hihyō suru
Standing on the seashore, we are moved by its gran...
Kinse nihon no Seiji...
This book reveals how the Confucian outside the go...
Kindai Tenosei to To...
An aerial photograph of contemporary Tokyo shows s...
Chugoku no Kindaitek...
Studying of China’s modern legal history pla...
Terayama Shuji no 19...
The first time I heard Shuji Terayama’s name...
Chiteki-Shogai o tom...
Recent years have seen a growing awareness of the ...
Kindai-Chugoku no Pr...
This book focuses on China Medical Missionary Asso...
Bach to Taii-ho no B...
Whether one is a classical music fan or not, most ...
Tekkin Concrete Kenc...
Modern architecture that uses the application of i...
Application of Cogni...
The present study was motivated by theoretical con...
Doitsu roman-shugi t...
This book is about artists’ novels, which se...