
a picture of Japan-Korea exchange festival


Kokka-Shugi o koeru Nikkan no Kyosei to Koryu (Co-existence and Exchange between Japan and Korea that Transcend Nationalism - The perspective of Korean researchers working in Japan)


The Editorial Board of the Korean Scholars¡¯ Forum in Japan, Minjin Lee, Joongho Kook,


216 pages, A5 format




June 05, 2016



Published by

Akaishi Shoten

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This book was born out of the “Korean Scholars’ Forum in Japan,” which was established in May 2008 by a group of Korean scholars working as researchers and educators in Japan who came together to create a research network to share their academic endeavors. With almost 1,000 Korean researchers currently working in universities and other research institutes across Japan, the Forum was created with the aim of forming a network of Korean researchers through the establishment of a database of Korean researchers, while at the same time deepening academic exchange and the bonds of friendship between these researchers.
The plan for this book began to materialize in 2014, one year prior to the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties between Japan and Korea. This book was intended to uncover opportunities for mutual cooperation and co-existence across various fields and to move beyond nationalism and the Korean and Japanese national identities. Against a backdrop of political tensions between the two nations that had been rising since 2012 and showed no signs of abating, it was the authors’ fervent wish that relations should not be allowed to deteriorate further.
Beginning with the structural changes of economic relation between Japan and Korea following the normalization of diplomatic relations (in 1965), this book considers topics such as the wealth of exchange that has taken place in the fields of education and culture, exchange at the level of civil society that accompanied the democratization of Korea and the growth in civic movements, and the human rights issues faced by Koreans living in Japan. In doing so, the book charts the future of the relationship between Japan and Korea, including the coexistence and development of the economies of both nations, furthering cultural understanding and cooperation, and the realization of Japanese and Korean civil societies that transcend nationalism.
In the four years since this book was published, there has been an unfortunate deterioration in Japan-Korea relations, not only on a political level but also in public sentiment in both countries regarding the other. However, in spite of this deterioration in relations between the two nations and recent challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the exchanges detailed in this book in the fields of education and culture as well as on a civil society level have continued unabated.
The entire world continues to battle the tumult and dangers brought about by the emergence of the novel coronavirus at the start of the year. Rather than taking a combative stance, it is necessary for both Japan and Korea to engage in dialogue from a number of angles and form partnerships and collaborative relationships in order to peacefully co-exist and overcome global problems (such as climate change, environmental and ecological issues, peace building and denuclearization), as well as problems that both nations face (such as declining birth rates and ageing populations, problems with their social welfare systems, and employment issues). It is the sincere wish of the authors that this book may be of some use to readers when considering the challenges that exist in improving relations between both nations and creating a relationship of co-existence as part of sustainable societies.


(Written by Jeongyun Lee, Associate Professor, Network for Education and Research on Asia / 2020)

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