
Tokyo College International Women’s Day Event Series 2022

To address gender gaps in paid work and leadership around the world, we need better solutions for detecting and mitigating biases online and at work that are based on gender, race, and beyond. Tokyo College will host a series of interviews and talks with researchers in academia and industry to uncover how research is being used to tackle biases in online platforms and the workplace. Please join us!

“Amplifying Insights from Underrepresented Users to Build More Inclusive Products”

What can we learn through user research to proactively include and amplify the experiences of underrepresented users? This talk will look at the gap between how historically underserved users experience Airbnb vs. the “general population”, and how this gap can help to guide where efforts should be focused to make our platform more inclusive.

Date(s):Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 4:15pm-5:00pm (PST) / Friday, March 4, 2022 at 9:15am-10:00am (JST)
Language:English (Japanese simultaneous interpretation available)
Venue:Zoom Webinar
Registration:Pre-Registration required (Register here)
More details:

“Strategies for Building Women- and Family-Friendly Workplaces”

Women in the workforce in the United States and globally continue to face gender discrimination in a variety of forms, such as wage discrepancies and harassment. Join us as we talk to psychology professor Ho Kwan Cheung about strategies for building more women- and family-friendly workplaces. 

Date(s):Wednesday, March 16, 2022 (available from 5:00pm (JST))
Language:Language: English (Japanese simultaneous interpretation available)
More details:

“ Advocating for Equity through Art and Design”

What does advocating for equity look like in art and design? Join us as we chat with De Nichols, a Senior UX Researcher at YouTube and social practice artist who is helping communities engage with societal issues in equity in the United States. 

Date(s):Wednesday, March 23, 2022 (available from 5:00pm (JST))
Language:English (Japanese simultaneous interpretation available)
More details: