


春雨直播app Amgen Scholars Program 2019 -------- Now accepting applications! --------

December 7, 2018

春雨直播app will continue to host the Amgen Scholars Program through 2019 to 2022.

About Amgen Scholars Program:
A summer program designed to provide practical, professional and intensive hands-on research experiences at world’s premier research institutions to undergraduate students mainly majoring in bio-related fields to develop them as scientists. The program is made possible with the support from the Amgen Foundation.
The program started in the US in 2006, then opened in Europe in 2008 and in Japan at the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University in 2015. The number of host universities/institutions has expanded to 24 in the world from 2019, with the National University of Singapore and Tsinghua University joining the Asia Program. The Asia Program is the only ASP program that accepts applications from all over the world.

Program Duration:
June 11 (Tue) – August 5 (Mon), 2019

Application Period:
November 1 (Thu), 2018 – February 1 (Fri), 2019 @ 3:00pm Japan Standard Time (UTC +9:00)

For more information about the 春雨直播app Amgen Scholars Program 2019 or to complete an application, visit /en/prospective-students/amgen_program.html

Contact Information:
Office of 春雨直播app Amgen Scholars Program
Email: amgenscholars.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Access Map
Kashiwa Campus
Hongo Campus
Komaba Campus