Business Administration Core Text Library [extra volume 2] Core Text: Keieigaku Keyword (Core Text Keywords in Business Administration)
200 pages, A5 format, softcover
May 10, 2021
The first volume in the “Business Administration Core Text Library” series by Shinsei-sha, was published in 2007, and as of May 2021, a total of 14 volumes have been published. New publications are continuing to be released, with existing volumes being reprinted, and second editions have begun to be released. As I have read each of the manuscripts thoroughly in the course of editing the entire series, I am starting to unload some of the weight that I was carrying.
At that time, the publisher presented me with a proposal for a compact collection of keywords that covered the existing 14 volumes in the series. I thought, “Oh, that makes sense. That’s a good plan.” Fortunately, this series is printed in two colors and the keywords are shown in a bold blue font. I thought that picking out appropriate keywords would be easy, but when I took one of the books and began choosing keywords, I quickly gave up. There were too many of them, and if I were to explain them one by one, as in a dictionary of Business Administration terminology, it would not be compact, and indeed might have ended up the size of the original books. Moreover, I realized that reading the original books was the best way to correctly understand the keywords.
So instead, I decided to “edit” the 14 volumes into a “Business Administration Guidebook of Keywords.” In doing so, I set myself some conditions: (a) I would include as many of the keywords highlighted in bold blue in each volume of the series as possible. (b) Keywords should be in bold blue in the same way that they are in the rest of the series, and personal names and company names should be shown in bold black. (c) Each two-page spread on a single theme should be completed in a one-shot format. In this way, I summarized the 14 volumes already published (over 4,200 pages in total) into 85 themes with a two-page spread each.
This book is the result of these efforts. The most striking characteristic of this book is its slimness! There are actually only 170 pages. As a comprehensive book of keywords, it is ground-breaking. Through compiling the book in this manner, the relationships between a large number of diverse keywords, from classic terminology to the latest words, become like a story with them ultimately being easier to understand.
Moreover, as I continued writing it, I realized that this book was appropriate for use in preparing for the civil service examination. If I were to give you some advice as someone who has 11 years of experience as an expert examination adviser for category I (now known as the comprehensive work category) of the National Civil Service Examination (economics), in the examination you need to be able to properly judge the accuracy of sentences, which are full of keywords. In this sense, the book could be viewed as a collection of sample exam questions. I believe that this book is quite effective as a form of preparation for different exams, such as graduate school entrance exams and regular university exams.
Moreover, while it may be obvious, this book will also be useful in learning the main points of the “Business Administration Core Text Library” series. If you look at the “reference list” that accompanies each two-page spread, you will be able to find related fields in an efficient manner, and easily see which volume and chapter the item in question is found. If you are interested, I would really recommend you also read the original books. Going beyond the broad fields of “management and organization,” “strategy and marketing,” and “production and innovation,” I would like you to know that one keyword is used in multiple fields. These keywords play a role as a common language, with research in various fields inspiring other research and fusing together to form a single academic system. Welcome to such a world of Business Administration.
(Written by TAKAHASHI Nobuo, Professor, Graduate School of Economics / 2021)