Gyoseiho (Administrative Law Text: 3rd Edition)
528 pages, A5 format, softcover
July, 2023
Yuhikaku Publishing
The 2nd Edition was published in March 2018
This book was written as a basic text on administrative law. The author has written other books with the beginning learner in mind, including Administrative Law Text, Vol. I (7th Edition), Administrative Law Text, Vol. II (7th Edition), and Administrative Law Text, Vol. III (5th Edition) (Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd.). However, taken together Administrative Law Text, Vol. I (7th Edition), Administrative Law Text, Vol. II (7th Edition), and Administrative Law Text, Vol. III (5th Edition) represent a considerable amount of reading. As these texts also include advanced contents, the publisher had received numerous requests for a single text covering the basics of administrative law. This book, which is a response to such requests, endeavors to cover the full breadth of administrative law in as compact and easy-to-understand manner as possible. Specifically, technical terms are explained before they are used, and figures and other visual aids are included whenever possible. The main points of each chapter are summarized at the beginning of each chapter, and important sections are highlighted in bold text. Notable judicial precedents are presented as standalone articles along with commentary. Further, judicial precedents included in 100 Judicial Precedents Regarding Administrative Law I and II, Vol.7 (Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd.) and Casebook of Administrative Law I and II (Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd.) are identified using the case numbers used in the reference in question. Readers wishing to delve deeper into these cases are encouraged to refer to these texts. When reading literature on the law, in instances where only the article is presented and the relevant section of the law does not readily come to mind and the Compendium of laws are not readily accessible, it is often necessary to keep reading with insufficient understanding. As such, in this book, the relevant sections of the law are indicated in the footnotes on the bottom of the page in question. In addition, explanations of well-publicized cases and cases that strike close to everyday life are provided as standalone articles. The goal of these articles is to foster readers’ awareness of the close relationship between administrative law and everyday life. As can be seen from the above, substantial effort was made to create a book that is both compact and easy to read while also maintaining a high level of discourse and incorporating up-to-date information. The book takes the reader one step beyond basic information in columns titled “for further learning” that explain concepts and items needed for deeper study. Given the book’s nature as a basic text, an effort was made to minimize the author’s personal opinions and to introduce theories from as objective a standpoint as possible.
(Written by UGA Katsuya, Professor, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics / 2018)