Dokusen Kinshih¨ (Competition Law of Japan - 3rd edition)
840 pages, A5 format, hardcover
December, 2016
Yuhikaku Publishing
In the ocean of available information, it is only when a system is designed that information can be organized, and then we realize what has been overlooked. If new information emerges that cannot be explained within the existing system, it suffices to adopt a flexible approach to managing it.
The system organizing this publication has been constructed around the numerous previous theses of the author as its supporting pillars. A system becomes reliable when its important points are evidence-based and refer to previous research. In turn, research theses only become reliable when they are positioned within the system.
I have tried to incorporate the points that occur to me in my daily round of giving classes, attending research meetings, and compiling materials into this publication without leaving anything out as much as possible. Some readers have been kind enough to tell me that upon encountering new issues in the course of their normal practice, they can turn to this publication to find something relevant and helpful. However, as its author, I personally think that many issues remain to be covered, and there is a lot of room for improvement.
This book is not intended to be read from cover to cover. The reader can refer to the section that is relevant to the issue that has arisen in their daily practice and read through it only. The idea is that this volume is a collection of such sections. Therefore, I have worked with particular care on entry titles and indexes to ensure that readers can cross-reference them with ease. In creating this work, I have not confined myself to the conventional formats for citing material that most law textbooks follow. Rather, I have incorporated many new formats into the text out of consideration for the circumstances of today’s readers.
Going forward, in future editions of this work, I would like to put in effort to make further progress in offering today’s readers, especially those involved in advanced practice and research, a more helpful and user-friendly system.
(Written by SHIRAISHI Tadashi, Professor, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics / 2018)