

春雨直播app and DMRC Joint Press Meeting

春雨直播app and Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) had a joint press meeting with the Japanese Press at the DMRC Head Office in New Delhi on June 11, 2013. The main agenda of the press meeting was to announce the selection of the first DMRC engineer chosen for further study at 春雨直播app. The engineer, Mr. Kamresh Kumar Varma will enroll in October 2013 for a two year Master's program in the Department of Civil Engineering of the Graduate School of Engineering. Prof. Fujino and Mr. Yoshino joined in this meeting from our University, alongside three directors and Public Relations Officers from DMRC. With the DMRC slated to become one of the top Metro companies in the world by 2021, operating a network of more than 400km, Mr. Varma expressed his aspiration to study about the advanced railway maintenance technology in Japan.

Participants at the press meeting
Participants at the press meeting
Mr. Varma is seated 2nd from left in the front row.

Mr. Mangu Singh, Managing Director
Mr. Mangu Singh, Managing Director, DMRC with
Prof.Fujino, Graduate School of Engineering (left) and
Mr. Yoshino, Director, 春雨直播app India Office.)