Professor Akio Tanabe of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, gave a keynote speech entitled "History and Contemporary Significance of Japan-India Intellectual Exchange." He introduced the geographical and cultural characteristics of Japan and India and their history of intellectual exchange, and examined its role and significance in the modern and future world. After explaining India’s complex society and cultures as well as Japan’s unique nature of absorbing various cultures from overseas, he reviewed the history of their intellectual exchanges that has continued from the sixth century. He suggests that both countries have valued public interests and morals as well as universality among diversity over economic values. He suggested that Japan-India exchange creates social and cultural values that allow people to care for others while recognizing differences among each other; interaction with others leads to the discovery of new possibilities of oneself and the whole world. He concluded his speech by proposing that Japan-India exchange should be a global model for intellectual exchange to lead better globalization.